
Aligning Rotation to Target

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Aligning Rotation to Target

Sometimes you may know the final orientation you want to give to a mesh in terms of alignment with distant axes, but you don't know what rotation to apply to it to achieve this wanted orientation.
There is a way to compute an Euler rotation from a set of axes :

var rot = BABYLON.Vector3.RotationFromAxis(axis1, axis2, axis3);
mesh.rotation = rot;

where axis1, axis2 and axis3 are three left-handed oriented orthogonal vectors.
With this code, the mesh will be aligned thus :

  • axis1 will become x axis in its local system
  • axis2 will become y axis in its local system
  • axis3 will become z axis in its local system

example : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#VYM1E#28 -

The textured plane mesh is currently aligned with the axis between spheres (axis1) and "faces" the camera.
RotationFromAxis() computes the required rotation value (Vector3) to assign to the mesh property .rotation in order to rotate it along the passed axes.
If you prefer using quaternions instead of Euler angles, then RotationQuaternionFromAxis() computes the required rotation value (Quaternion) to assign to the mesh property .rotationQuaternion in order to rotate it along the passed axes.
The same methods exist also in the toRef() version.

Vector3.RotationFromAxisToRef() Quaternion.RotationQuaternionFromAxis()