
Optimizing your scene

This tutorial will help you find some links and info on how you can improve your scene regarding rendering performance.

Reducing shaders overhead

Babylon.js uses an advanced and automatic shaders engine. This system will keep shaders up to date regarding material options. If you are using a static material (ie. an immutable material) then you can let it know to Babylon.js by using the following code:


Once frozen, the shader will remain unchanged even if you change material's properties. You will have to unfreeze it to update the inner shader:


Reducing world matrices computation

Every mesh has a world matrix to specify its position / rotation / scaling. This matrix is evaluated on every frame. You can improve performances by freezing this matrix. Any subsequent changes to position / rotation / scaling will then be ignore:


You can unfreeze a mesh with:


Reducing draw calls

As soon as you can please use instances as they are drawn with one single draw call: http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/how_to_use_instances

If sharing the same material is a problem, you can then think about using clones which share the same geometry with mesh.clone("newName")

Using unindexed meshes

By default Babylon.js uses indexed meshes where vertices can be reuse by faces. When vertex reuse is low and when vertex structure is fairly simple (like just a position and a normal) then you may want to unfold your vertices and stop using indices:


For example this works very well for a cube where it is more efficient to send 32 positions instead of 24 positions and 32 indices.

Turning AdaptToDeviceRatio off

By default, Babylon.js will adapt to device ratio in order to produce the best possible quality even on high-DPI devices.

The drawback is that this could cost a lot on low-end devices. You can turn it off with the fourth parameter of the Engine constructor:

var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, antialiasing, null, false);

In the same constructor, you may also want to turn off antialiasing support with the second parameter.

Using animation ratio

Babylon.js processes speed depending on the current frame rate.

On low-end devices animations or camera movement may differ from high-end devices. To compensate this you can use:


The return value is higher on low frame rates.

Further Reading

More Advanced - L3

How to use scene optimizer
Optimizing your scene with octrees