Tool provided for developers, you are able to develop custom post-processes, chained, using a JSON configuration.
Features available:
To preview the post-process you just developed, you can click the button "Apply Chain" on the toolbar, or directly push CTRL + B.
Also, if you want to apply the chain on the current scene, just click the button "Apply chain on scene"
When the shader is unable to compile, you can use the output console to see what is happening.
You can reorder the post-processes chain using the list. Just drag'n'drop the items by clicking on the line number
This sampler is automatically created by the Post-Process Builder Extension. It just contains the original color of the scene.
In the tab "Configuration", you can add custom uniforms and samplers. Here is the definition:
"ratio": number, // The ratio of the post-process in ]0, 1]
"defines": string[], // Array of defines used when compiling the effect
"samplers": { uniform: string, "source": string }[], // Array of samplers
"uniforms": { name: string, value: number | number[] }[] // Array of uniforms
When opening the Post-Process Builder tool, a JSON configuration is provided as example.
To define a new sampler just set its name in the GLSL code and its path.
Using a texture already loaded:
"samplers": [
{ uniform: "testSampler", "source": "myTexture.png" },
... etc.
Using a post-process you already created
"samplers": [
{ uniform: "testSampler", "source": "myPostProcessName" },
... etc.
To define a new uniform value just set its name in the GLSL code and its value.
Available value types are:
Already set values:
Using a number:
"uniforms": [
{ name: "exposure", "value": 1.0 },
... etc.
Using a vector (2d, 3d and 4d)
"samplers": [
{ name: "size", "value": [0, 1] },
... etc.