Unity 5 to Babylon.js exporter
The plugin folder can be found here: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/tree/master/Exporters/Unity%205/Deprecated
Please note that we are working on a new version but there is not documentation yet
You just need to copy/paste the plugin folder inside the assets folder of your project folder. Unity 5 will then detect the plugin, compile it and add a "BabylonJS" menu.
Using this menu you will be able to export the current scene to a .babylon file format.
Just click on the "BabylonJS/Export to .babylon" menu to display the exportation window.
The exportation window allows you to specify:
- Default reflection level applied to reflection textures
- Collisions properties (on/off, ellipsoid used for the camera and scene's gravity)
You can launch the exportation process by clicking on the "Export" button
Exported features
The current version can export the following features:
- Cameras
- Name
- Position
- Target
- Fov
- Clip start
- Clip end
- Check collisions
- Gravity
- Ellipsoid
- Animations (position)
- Lights
- Type (Point, directional, Spot)
- Name
- Position
- Direction
- Spot angle
- Intensity
- Diffuse color
- Animations (position)
- Shadow maps
- Light maps
- Materials
- Name
- Diffuse color
- Specular color
- Specular power
- Emissive color
- Alpha
- Backface culling
- Diffuse texture
- Reflection texture
- Emissive texture
- Bump texture
- Physically based rendering materials
- Multi-materials
- Textures
- Name
- Associated file
- Use alpha
- uOffset / voffset
- uScale / uScale
- Meshes
- Name
- Geometry (Positions & normals)
- Position
- Rotation
- Scaling
- Texture coordinates (2 channels)
- Check collisions
- Receive and cast shadows
- Animations (position, rotation, scaling)
- Skeletons