Blender to Babylon.js exporter
The Blender export plugin can be found on github repository.
An extension named Tower of Babel can also be used as exporter, see its readme to know about its functionnalities.
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
Scene |
- Camera: set scene activeCamera
Exporter panel |
- Export only selected layers: objects in hidden scene layers will not be taken into account
- Flat shade entire scene: all objects will be exported as flat shaded meshes(tip about shading)
- Force 64k per Mesh Vertex Limit: here to keep compatibility with old or low-cost hardware
Blender Render
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
World |
- Horizon Color: scene clearColor
- Ambient Color: scene ambientColor
Exporter panel |
- Mist: when Blender Render Mist is enabled, you have access to Fog Mode & Fog Density parameters
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
- object name will be exported as it is
Transform |
- Position
- Rotation
- Scale
- do not forget to apply Scale before exporting: 'Ctrl' + 'A' > 'Scale'
Relations |
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
- Track To: useful when using ArcRotate camera (tip)
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
Lens |
- Field of View: fov
- Clipping: minZ & maxZ
Exporter panel |
- Camera Type, choose between:
- Arc Rotate (tip)
- Device Orientation
- Follow
- Gamepad
- Touch
- Universal
- Virtual Joysticks
- VR Dev Orientation Free
- Web VR Free
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
Lamp |
- Sun as Directionnal, Area as Point, other named like in BJS
- This Layer Only: includedOnlyMeshes
- when Sphere is checked, Distance value is exported as range
Spot Shape(only available when light type is Spot) |
- Size: Angle
- Blend: value * 2 = exponent
Exporter panel |
- Shadow Map (only for directional lights):
- None
- Standard
- Poisson
- Blur ESM
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
Normals |
Auto Smooth is often use by Blender users, but is not supported. Use an edge split modifier instead, see tip. |
UV Maps |
- UVMap: coordinatesIndex
- limited to 2 channels
Vertex Colors |
- if multiples layers exist, they will be merge
Exporter panel |
- as you can notice in BJS mesh panel, materials will be suffixed by .babylon filename,
- other options can be found on this mesh panel, like max simultaneous lights, texture size for baking, etc,
- texture baking will be automatic when:
- cycles render is the current render engine,
- procedural textures are used.
Blender Render
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
- multi-materials are supported
Diffuse |
- color intensity is multiplied by intensity value
Specular |
- color intensity is multiplied by intensity value
- Hardness: specularPower
Shading |
- Emit: diffuse color * value
- Ambient: diffuse color * value
Transparency |
- when enabled, set alpha value under Z Transparency
- you can temporary switch to Blender Game to gain access to some materials settings:
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
Game Settings |
- Backface culling: true by default
- Face Orientation:
Cycles Render
- Blender can handle packed images, even if their isn't source file on disk, but you have to unpack all before export,
- about automatic baking, see Materials.
Blender Render
Blender |
BJS equivalent |
- multiple textures can be assigned
- if two textures are assigned to the same Influence (see below), automatic baking will be used
- this name is only used in Blender
Texture Type |
- as seen above, this name is only used in Blender
- texture type:
- for image file, choose Image or Movie
- for procedural textures, choose any one but voxel data, point density, ocean
Image |
- texture filename will be texture name in BJS
Image Sampling |
Image Mapping |
- Extension: choosing Clip will set Wrap value to 0
Cycles Render
- Name
- Associated file
- Level
- Use alpha
- uOffset / voffset
- uScale / uScale
- uAng / vAng / Wang
- WrapU / WrapV
- Coordinates index
- Texture in-lining to .babylon file