


Babylon.js v3.1 introduced a new component based tools: the behaviors. A behavior is a simple class that can be attached to a node where it will provide a specific set of features. Features will be triggered by defined events.


A behavior is defined by the following interface:

  • name: Return the name of the behavior
  • attach(node): This function will be called when a behavior is attached to a node. This is where the behavior will hook into useful events
  • detach(node): This function will be called when a behavior is detached from a node. The behavior must clear any associated resources and unhook all events

If behaviors rely on animation, the following static properties will be available:

  • EasingFunction: Define the easing function used animations
  • EasingMode: Define the easing mode used by animations

You can add behaviors to node objects (lights, cameras and meshes). Every node provides the following entry points:

  • addBehavior(behavior): Use this function to attach a behavior to a given node
  • removeBehavior(behavior): Use this function to detach a behavior from a node
  • getBehaviorByName(name): Return a behavior with the given name or null if not found
  • behaviors: This read-only property returns the list of behaviors associated with the node

Most of the time, behaviors are designed to deal with a specific kind of nodes.

Currently the list of behaviors available in babylon.js core are camera behaviours.

Further Reading

Basic - L1

Camera Behaviours