A Playground example can be found here: Terrain Playground -
The terrain material works with at least 4 textures:
In other words, the Mixmap texture mixes the 3 diffuse textures thanks to the color channels RGB.
A Mixmap texture looks like (result on the screenshot above):
The method applied by the terrain material is also called "texture splatting".
var terrain = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGroundFromHeightMap("terrain", "heightMap.png", 100, 100, 100, 0, 10, scene, false);
var terrainMaterial = new BABYLON.TerrainMaterial("terrainMaterial", scene);
terrainMaterial.mixTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("mixMap.png", scene);
terrainMaterial.diffuseTexture1 = new BABYLON.Texture("grass.png", scene);
terrainMaterial.diffuseTexture2 = new BABYLON.Texture("rock.png", scene);
terrainMaterial.diffuseTexture3 = new BABYLON.Texture("floor.png", scene);
terrainMaterial.bumpTexture1 = new BABYLON.Texture("grassn.png", scene);
terrainMaterial.bumpTexture2 = new BABYLON.Texture("rockn.png", scene);
terrainMaterial.bumpTexture3 = new BABYLON.Texture("floor_bump.png", scene);
terrain.material = terrainMaterial;
That's all.