
Group2D type overview

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Group2D type overview

Group2D is a non renderable Primitive which is mainly used to fulfill two purposes:

  1. Define a new frame of reference, through the known position, rotation, scale and origin properties.
  2. Depending of the Canvas2D Caching Strategy used, a Group2D can define if its content will be cached into a bitmap or not.

Future evolution of this class will certainly feature Layout specific features.


  • size of type Size, optionally defines the size of the Group. If null the size will be determined by the group's content. Default value is null.
  • actualSize, equal to size if it was specified or computed from its bounding content.
  • cacheBehavior of type number, define how the group should behave regarding the caching strategy. The possible values are:
    1. Group2D.GROUPCACHEBEHAVIOR_FOLLOWCACHESTRATEGY: follow the strategy defined at the Canvas Level.
    2. Group2D.GROUPCACHEBEHAVIOR_DONTCACHEOVERRIDE: When used, this group's content won't be cached, no matter which strategy used. If the group is part of a WorldSpace Canvas, its content will be drawn in the Canvas cache bitmap.
    3. Group2D.GROUPCACHEBEHAVIOR_CACHEINPARENTGROUP: When used, the group's content will be cached in the nearest cached parent group/canvas.
  • isRenderableGroup of type boolean, if true the group is responsible to render primitives. If false the group is said to be a 'logical group' and merely acts as a container and new frame of reference.
  • isCachedGroup of type boolean, only used if the group is a renderable one. Will be true if the content of the group is cached in a bitmap, false if it's rendered directly in the viewport.