
How to use Procedural Textures

In classic texturing, we use 2D images, often pictures that have been shaped specifically to match an object. Let’s imagine you are creating a medieval fantasy game, working on a dwarf pub, where there are multiple, big, "old school" wooden tables. With classic 2D texturing, you have 3 choices:

  • Create a single texture and use it on all of the tables (but every table is going to look the same)

  • Create a collection of various wood textures and apply them randomly to each table

  • Create a separate texture for each table, insuring that they each look different

No choice seems to be a good one.

Enter procedural textures.

Procedural texturing is a way to programmatically create a texture. There are 2 types of procedural textures: code-only, and code that references some classic 2D images, sometimes called 'refMaps' or 'sampler' images.

One main advantage of procedural textures is that they are written using a fragment shader (using GLSL in the case of Babylon.js). That means that the code generating the texture is executed by the GPU and not the CPU (that is to say, NOT executed in JavaScript code). This has a huge performance impact in a positive way.

Procedural textures can be generated:

  • Only once to create the texture which is put into cache

  • Every 1, 2, 3, or 4, or more frames to be able to create an animated texture (like fire)

See more about 'refreshrate' in the Custom Procedural Textures section... far below.

Procedural Textures in Babylon.js

Babylon.js offers you an easy out-of-the-box way to use this kind of texture. The engine itself provides you with standard default textures that you can use right now. It also gives you the ability to create custom procedural textures and package them in a simple way.

Using Standard Procedural Textures

Babylon.js has a number of pre-built procedural textures that are very easy to use. Applying a procedural texture is just the same as using a classic one. Let’s start with a simple mesh (a cylinder in this case) and attach it to your scene:

    var cylinder = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateCylinder("mycylinder", 7, 2, 2, 12, 1, scene);

Then, you need to create a StandardMaterial:

    var material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("material", scene);

Now, create a WoodProceduralTexture object for which you need to pass a name, the size of the generated texture and the scene.

    var texture = new BABYLON.WoodProceduralTexture("texture", 1024, scene);

You are almost set! All you need to do now is to associate the texture to the material as a diffuseTexture, for instance, (or emissiveTexture, specularTexture, any other) and then apply the material to the mesh.

    material.diffuseTexture = texture;
    cylinder.material = material;

You can optionally change the values of special default properties. Here is an example of setting two properties for the WoodProceduralTexture:

    texture.woodColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.49, 0.25, 0);
    texture.ampScale = new BABYLON.Vector2(1.0, 1.0);

All Standard Procedural Textures

All standard procedural textures can be used in the same ways, but they each have specific (special) properties:

  • WoodProceduralTexture
    • woodColor to modify the color of the wood in the texture (BABYLON.Color3/4)
    • ampScale to change the waves amplitude in the wood (Int)
  • MarbleProceduralTexture
    • numberOfTilesHeight controls the number of tiles in height (Int)
    • numberOfTilesWidth controls the number of tiles in width (Int)
    • jointColor changes the color for the joint between tiles (BABYLON.Color3/4)
    • marbleColor changes the color for the tile itself (BABYLON.Color3/4)
  • BrickProceduralTexture
    • numberOfBricksHeight controls the number of bricks in height (Int)
    • numberOfBricksWidth controls the number of bricks in width (Int)
    • jointColor changes the color for the joint between bricks (BABYLON.Color3/4)
    • brickColor changes the color for the brick itself (BABYLON.Color3/4)
  • FireProceduralTexture
    • time can be set manually(float) if autoGenerateTime(boolean) is set to false. It is used inside the fire shader to animate it
    • speed controls the speed of the flames (BABYLON.Vector2)
    • fireColors is an array of 6 (BABYLON.Color3/4) defining the different color of the fire. You can define them manually of use presets available as static properties of the class (PurpleFireColors, GreenFireColors, RedFireColors, BlueFireColors)
  • GrassProceduralTexture
    • grassColor is an array of 3 (BABYLON.Color3/4) for the grass. Should be green but you can create red grass if you want to (BABYLON.Color3/4)
    • groundColor is the base color for the ground (BABYLON.Color3/4)
  • RoadProceduralTexture
    • roadColor is the color for the road (BABYLON.Color3/4)
  • CloudProceduralTexture
    • skyColor is the color for the sky (BABYLON.Color3/4)
    • cloudColor is the color for the cloud (BABYLON.Color3/4)

Creating Custom Procedural Textures

Using a Files-Based Custom Procedural Texture

To use a files-based custom procedural texture, you need to create a folder containing at least 2 files:

  • config.json
  • custom.fragment.fx

The config file is a Javascript Simple Object Notation file containing 4 elements. Here is an example:

     "animate": false,
     "refreshrate": 0,
     "uniforms": [
          "type": "float",
          "name": "dirtAmplifier",
          "value": "6.0"
     "sampler2Ds": [
          "sample2Dname": "dirt",
          "textureRelativeUrl": "textures/dirt.jpg"
          "sample2Dname": "grass",
          "textureRelativeUrl": "textures/grass.png"

The animate property indicates if a time value should be created and increased each time the fragment shader code is executed.

The refreshrate property is set to 0 if you want the texture to only render once. If set to 1, it will render every frame, 2 every two frames, etc.

Uniforms are the values that will be passed from the javascript code to the shader code. By setting them that way, you can allow the custom texture user to modify this value at runtime... to customize the texture.

Uniforms can be of type:

  • float (parameters : value)
  • Vector2 (parameters: x, y)
  • Vector3 (parameters: x, y, z)
  • Color3 (parameters: r, g, b)
  • Color4 (parameters: r, g, b, a)

Textures2D are 2D image files that are passed to the shader code as sampler2D variables. They can be read by the shader code and be used to create the final pixel color. You only need to provide a name and the relative path inside the folder.

The custom.fragment.fx file contains the GLSL code. The purpose of this wiki article is not to teach you how to create a fragment shader or how it works. You simply need to know that the code contained in your main function will be called once for each pixel to create on the texture. In this main function, you only know the coordinates of the current pixel in the final texture.

Here is a simple code which is setting all pixels to a specific gray.

    #ifdef GL_ES
    precision highp float;

    void main(void) {
     vec3 color = vec3(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
     gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

Gl_FragColor is the variable in which you put the color object you want the pixel to be. Here is a more complex example using 2 samplers and mixing their color equally.

    #ifdef GL_ES
    precision highp float;

    varying vec2 vPosition;
    varying vec2 vUV;

    uniform sampler2D grass;
    uniform sampler2D dirt;

    void main(void) {
     vec3 color = mix(texture2D(dirt, vUV).xyz, texture2D(grass, vUV).xyz, 0.5);
     gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

To use this custom texture, you need to make your folder available to your babylon.js html/javascript files and use a CustomProceduralTexture class instead of a standard one. The difference is only that you specify a new parameter which is the relative path to the folder containing the custom texture. Babylon.js will automatically read the config.json and custom.fragment.fx files and load everything for you.

    var texture = new BABYLON.CustomProceduralTexture("texture", "./pathtotexture", 1024, scene);

Using a ShaderStore for Shader Storage

You can also use the ShaderStore to write a shader inline and use it in a CustomProceduralTexture. This can be done easily using the BABYLON.Effect.ShaderStore array :

BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore["LinesPixelShader"] =
       "#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
       "precision highp float;\n" +
       "#endif\n\n" +
       "varying vec2 vUV; \n" +
       "void main(void) {\n" +
       " gl_FragColor = vec4(vUV.x,vUV.y,-vUV.x, 1.0);\n" +
       "}\n" +

Note that your shader name should be suffixed with PixelShader as the Procedural Texture shader is always a pixel shader. Babylon.JS will automatically understand it is a pixel shader.

To use this shader, you just have to create a CustomProceduralTexture and put the name of your shader in the store instead of the path to the files.

var customProcText = new BABYLON.CustomProceduralTexture("customtext", "Lines", 1024, scene);

Using a DOM Element for Shader Storage

Finally you can also use DOM Elements to store your shader. You just have to create a script tag in your HTML file like this:

<script type="application/pixelShader" id="LinesPixelShader">
        #ifdef GL_ES
        precision highp float;
        varying vec2 vUV; 
        void main(void) {
             gl_FragColor = vec4(vUV.x,vUV.y,-vUV.x, 1.0);

To use it, you just have to create a simple object containing one property which is named fragmentElement and contains the id identifying the script DOM element.

var linesShader = { fragmentElement: 'LinesPixelShader' };
var customProcText = new BABYLON.CustomProceduralTexture("customtext", linesShader, 1024, scene);

Note : when using ShaderStore or DOM Element shader for custom procedural textures : the config.json file is not needed anymore and you can just use setFloat or setVector3 (and so on), and setTexture on the CustomProceduralTexture will give values and Sampler2D to the shader code.

Feel free to play with this scene... at our online playground -
