
Interesting Playgrounds

Table of contents

In this page, you can discover interesting playground done by the community. Do not hesitate to update this page by editing it directly on Github.

Please credit the author if you can!

Beautiful Playgrounds

Id Title Author
#2FPT1A#5 -

A lot of triangles with SPS jerome
#GK7FK -

X-ray material with Fresnel Raanan
#1WBBW0#1 -

Warp speed ! Unknown
#2EP7UB -

Mirors Wingnut
#VUJG1#1 -

Hypnotizing infinite loader Temechon
External Equalizer (with audio) Stvsynrj
#CXOLW#3 -

Glass wubble ball Stvsynrj
#2JOSXE#13 -

PBR with music analyzer Stvsynrj & jerome
External Music analyzer Stvsynrj & Kohai


Id Title Author
#27FN5R#8 -

Equirectangular map as reflection texture Deltakosh
#RNBKQ#8 -

Glossiness and roughness Deltakosh
#23M0G6#1 -

Rotating mesh to look at a target iiceman
#CA4SM#1 -

Saving dynamic texture on disk dbawel
#QM57B -

Raycast on heighmap Unknown
#7SQDY#1 -

Using BABYLON.Path3D jerome
#V1BSD -

Using SSAO Pipeline Luaacro
#ILRIF#0 -

Using mesh.lookAt Stvsynrj
#EEOWP#7 -

Fog of war prototype Unknown
#2DT16W#2 -

Shadow on transparent textures Sebavan